Sunday, September 19, 2010

Part 2- First batch is made!

I am praying these seal! I'll probably put another two batches on tonight and can them tomorrow when I get home from work around noon. This batch made 7 twelve ounce jelly jars, 1 eight ounce and 1 that I have no idea what it holds but it has peaches on the lid. I reused this lid and I'm hoping it seals. I put it in hot boiling water to process just in case. Matthew is still waiting for his applesauce so I need to get that on as well! He came in the kitchen earlier and asked, "Mommy, what are you doing?" Before I could answer he answered himself, "You are making a big big mess!"


  1. We have the same Crock Pot! How neat! Thanks for sharing your recipe, btw. Your pics are awesome. :)


  2. Glad to share!! Kendra that is two batches worth of apple butter. I had two crock pots going at the same time! You should get about 4 of the 12 oz jelly jars (tall ones) from the recipe!
